Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Life of Abundance

In The Bishop's Voice column dated May 1997, entitled "Heaven’s Gate and the Death of Religion" Bishop John S. Spong, said, "The task of Christianity is not to provide security; it is to give us the courage to embrace life’s insecurity without surrendering our humanity."

He went on to say, "Insecurity is a mark of being human. No drug, including the drug of religion, should be allowed to take it away. God is not a name for the forces of the universe that stand ready to snuff out our frail humanity. God is the name of the Ground of all Being that is manifested when we discover the ability to live fully, the capacity to love wastefully and the courage to be in the face of the ultimate threat of non-being."

If, as Dr. Wayne Dyer states in his book, The Power of Intention, we are spiritual beings in a temporary human existence, the "ultimate threat of non-being" is non-existent! So it behoves us to seek a life of "fullness", and to acquire the capacity to love, in its truest sense, wastefully. And to do so one needs a life filled with abundance.

And where can one find that abundance?

Thanks to Wayne Dyer I no longer fear the threat of non-existence. And through The Abundant Life I am finding that abundance I so need to live fully and to love wastefully.

Wealth and abundance exist at The Life Abundant!

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